
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Scholarship

Diversity and Inclusion Position Statement

We are committed to representation of diverse backgrounds and cultures, and culturally sensitive care for our patients.  In the area of trainee education, we follow a policy of openness, inclusion and diversity which includes resident and fellow recruitment.  We are demonstrating our diversity with media interaction, news articles, podcasts and journal entries, which promote our inclusive and representative group.  We will continue to work to maintain and grow inclusiveness, representation, and diversity, as well as reaching out to the community for ways to improve our service.

We recognize the recent traumas of social injustice and the evolving state of our nation and its people.  We will continue to be at the forefront of inclusiveness, representation, equality and justice. Recognizing the value and strength inherent in our diverse population is the first of many steps to meet the goal of optimal health and community wellness.

Scholarship Opportunity

The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, in conjunction with The University of Chicago Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, provides an opportunity for applicants to be considered for a $2000 stipend through the Underrepresented in Medicine Visiting Clerkship Program (UIMVCP).

For more information about the program, opportunities, and application requirements, please visit the Underrepresented in Medicine Visiting Clerkship Program (UIMVCP) section at the bottom of the Visiting Students page on the Pritzker School of Medicine website.

The UiM Visiting Clerkship Program application should be downloaded, completed, then uploaded into VSLO and assigned to The University of Chicago. You must apply for the MVCP 99000 Minority Visiting Clerkship Program Elective, in addition to the elective you are requesting. 

Visiting Student Program Contact:

Questions or concerns regarding scholarship, eligibility and the Pritzker School of Medicine Visiting Student Program should be directed to